Gnuinos is a libre spin of Devuan GNU/Linux (a fork of Debian without systemd), allowing users to get control over their computer and ensuring Init Freedom.
Welcome to the website of gnuinos, a ready-to-use operating system that aims to be entirely free as in freedom. This means that we reject all the nonfree stuff, whether software, manuals or documentation. Free software is about having control over the technology we use, empowering people against proprietary software and digital restrictions. When it comes to Free software, the term free relates to freedom as in free speech, and not to cost.
In its early stages gnuinos consisted of some customized live install images including the lightweight openbox window manager. However, the project has since evolved into a computing of almost general purpose: desktop, server, workstation, etc. Live CDs are built making use of the live-sdk, whereas netinstall/full CDs are built making use of the installer-iso. In all of its flavors, the system ships with the linux-libre kernel.
The mechanism for merging devuan and gnuinos mirrors is amprolla, an apt repository merger originally intended for use with the Devuan infrastructure, where merged packages get translated by some magic to a local mirror or redirected to a external one, as the case may be.
As in the devuan scenario, gnuinos package repositories are exclusive as well, that is to say they shouldn't be mixed with other apt-based repositories, including Devuan, Debian, Ubuntu and the like.
Gnuinos is a fully amprolla setup, and it follows that package repositories shouldn't be mixed with other apt-based repositories.
It is also important to point out that gnuinos uses the same codenames than devuan (beowulf, chimaera, daedalus...) and it's highly recommended to use them in the /etc/apt/sources.list entries other than suite (oldstable, stable, testing...).
For instance, to point the repositories to the beta release based on Devuan 4.0 Chimaera, the sources.list file should look as follows:
deb chimaera main deb-src chimaera main
deb chimaera-updates main deb-src chimaera-updates main
deb chimaera-security main deb-src chimaera-security main
A digital signature certifies and timestamps gnuinos repositories. The current GnuPGP key is reported below:
$ gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/gnuinos-archive-keyring.gpg --list-keys /usr/share/keyrings/gnuinos-archive-keyring.gpg -----------------------------------------------
pub rsa4096 2020-05-03 [SC] [expires: 2022-05-03] 9A4364B0645743E71249D460DCD85D24E39C89BB uid [ unknown] Gnuinos Repository (Gnuinos GNU+Linux)sub rsa4096 2020-05-03 [E] [expires: 2022-05-03]
To end with, we would like to thank the whole Devuan community that has made this project possible... Thank you, and happy hacking!